TIME Lab wins NSF/CASIS award to continue cancer immunomechanics research in space

Author: Meenal Datta

International Space Station (Photo Credit: NASA)

The TIME Lab has awarded a grant from NSF/CASIS as part of their joint Collaboration on Tissue Engineering and Mechanobiology on the International Space Station (ISS) to Benefit Life on Earth. The TIME Lab's project, "Leveraging Microgravity to Study Immunomechanics in Cancer-Myeloid Organoids," will complement and continue our first experiment on the ISS in March 2024 on SpaceX-30. Our implementation partner, Space Tango, will assist in translating our ground experiments to the permanent microgravity enviornment of the ISS. With this unique experimental opportunity, we hope to reveal new fundamental knowledge of immunomechanics and mechano-immunology in difficult to treat cancers, such as glioblastoma, and to forge paths towards novel therapies.